Barker's Professional

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Goats Cheese & Eggplant Salad



  • 230g finger eggplant, cut into 6 to 8 long wedges

  • 170g baby zucchini, sliced on mandolin

  • 75g peeled shallots, sliced on mandolin

  • 30g peeled garlic, sliced on mandolin

  • 5g flat lead parsley

  • 5g oregano leaves

  • 30g baby roma tomatoes, cut in half and seasoned

  • 240g goats cheese, crumbled

  • 150ml Barker’s Professional Mustard & Herb Dressing


  1. Set a static oven to 180 deg C

  2. Using a mixing bowl, coat the eggplant and zucchinis with olive oil and seasoning. Spread out onto baking sheets lined with non-stick paper. Cook the eggplant for 20 minuets and the zucchinis for 15 minuets.

  3. Sauté the shallots and garlic until golden (for large quantities this could be done in a bratt pan)

  4. Mix the eggplant, zucchinis, shallots and garlic together with the parsley and oregano.

  5. Add the tomatoes and goats cheese.

  6. Place on a serving dish and pour over the Barker’s Professional Mustard & Herb Dressing

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